Let’s talk about meditation, why it’s worth your time, why some people find it difficult, and then I will gift you my free 5-minute meditation. It’s a game-changer, even if you’re convinced you can’t meditate.
I used to think meditation was a bit out there, you know, reserved for people living on mountain tops or tucked away in monasteries (which P.S. – I would love to do one day).
But I stumbled upon meditation at a Tony Robbins conference called Unleash the Power Within, and this is where my healing journey began back in 2019.
Now, I lead weekly healing meditations on IG LIVE and have seen the profound effects physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually with my clients. Here’s how to meditate if you are a beginner.

The Benefits of Meditation
Here are actual benefits I have seen work in my own life.
- My mind became calmer and clearer all day long.
- My anxiety and depression dissolved. I was finally off Lexapro and Xanax!
- I became a pro at letting things go and not reacting to my environment.
- Tasks were way easier to tackle, and I’m not easily distracted by random thoughts anymore. I’m not sure if I was ADD, OCD, or super Type A – but the struggle to focus was real!
- I’m confident in my true self, no longer needing validation from others or wanting to be someone/somewhere I am not right now.
- It opens your heart and grounds your energy.
- It calibrates your vibration to your pure self (higher self).
- It calls your energy back to you.
- It places a cloud of protection (divine love) around you.
- It allows YOU to receive inspired action for the day in alignment with your purposes.
Sounds good, right? Imagine having all of this in your life. Meditation is a mental cleanse where you dump all the gunk and make room for the good stuff.
Why Meditation is Hard
The reason meditation is difficult for some people is because their mind races 100 mph and they aren’t sure how to turn it off. Attempting to cease thinking can paradoxically become overwhelming, causing thoughts to multiply even more, hehe.
So, here’s the deal – meditation doesn’t require you to stop thinking. After all, you’re human, and thinking is inherent. Instead, meditation involves directing your focus towards the space between your thoughts, in under 5 minutes.
This space between your thoughts holds zero resistance, serving as a source of energy that can be harnessed to manifest a new life more in alignment with who you truly are.
It is important to note, that as we engage in active thinking, the mind exerts energy. Conversely, during moments of stillness, the mind receives energy. Read that again, because it is key.
As you embark on the journey of concentrating on the space between your thoughts, you’ll observe a transformation in your thinking patterns and belief systems. As your inner beliefs change, your outer world changes.
Over time, your thoughts become lighter, more aligned, and evolve into inspired ideas, moving away from the self-sabotage and worry that may have centered around your world before.
Getting Started with Meditation
Now, you might be thinking, “I don’t have time for this,” but trust me, it doesn’t eat up much of your day. I started with just five minutes a day.
To lay it all out there, when I started, five minutes felt like forever because my mind wasn’t used to chilling out regularly. But now? Five minutes is too short. Although, a 5 minute meditation is truly all you need.
And, guess what? You don’t have to navigate this meditation thing ALONE. I use an app called Muse along with an EEG Headband to measure my brain waves during meditation to see how deep I can get. It also plays serene sounds for me, too.
A tool like Muse can be nice for those new to meditation, because it makes the intangible, tangible. You can see the positive effects of calming your mind right in the Muse app with powerful biofeedback sensors.

Ultimately, this brought more confidence to my meditations and made me more prone to stick with my 5 minute meditations.
My 5 Minute Meditation
Find yourself a comfy spot, maybe in a chair or cross-legged on the floor. Close your eyes, and let’s do this:
- Take a few deep breaths, in through the nose, out through the mouth. Soften that body on the exhale, then get back to normal breathing.
- Imagine roots growing from the base of your spine, down through the soil, sand, rock, through the center core of the earth as you connect to this organic divine love.
- Take a deep breath in, and on the out breath imagine a portal of energy shooting from your crown to the highest dimensions of the universe as you connect to source creator of organic divine love.
- Place your hands over your heart and think of three things you’re grateful for today. Expand your hands out of front of you and around you and fill your aura with this beautiful pink light.
- Declare, allow my light to radiate 360 degrees 24/7 today & block all energy outside of my own from coming into my field.
- Bask in this unconditional love and gratitude.
- Now imagine a golden star an inch or two above your head. This step is crucial.
- Inhale the love from your heart, up to your crown, into that golden star.
- Bring all of your conscious awareness into that golden star.
- Just be still. Any sound or noise will allow you to go deeper and deeper into that ocean of golden light.
- Let go for at least 1 minute. Release all thought like a balloon and refocus on your golden star floating above your head anytime a thought comes into your mind.
- Gently slowly come back to this time and space by placing your handover your eyes.
My favorite part is step #11, where I just let go of any focus. My mind loves doing nothing for those precious few moments.
Free Daily Guided 5 Minute Meditation
For a free 5 minute meditation, click here. I even infused this meditation with healing energy for you to feel your very best. I hope you enjoy!

Simple Balloon Release 5 Minute Meditation
This one’s simpler. Get comfy, close your eyes, and let’s do it:
- Take some deep breaths.
- Focus on your breathing.
- When thoughts pop up, say ‘release’ in your mind and let the thought go like you are releasing a balloon into the sky. Come back to your breathing.
- Keep doing this for however long you desire. If you need some background tunes or white noise, go for it. As stated before, I love my Muse.
Extra Tips for Maximum Relaxation
Here’s what I love:
- Light up some scented eucalyptus soy candles.
- Diffuse calming essential oils or my favorite incense.
- Use the sounds around you to take you deeper into stillness. Many times, I have screaming toddlers around me that now take me deeper into stillness 🙂
- Grab a crystal and infuse it with an intention before you meditate – that intention could be to practice stillness.
- Make sure you have lumbar support and are comfy.
Once you’re done, you’ll notice a difference in how your mind and body feel. All those benefits I rattled off earlier in this post start seeping into your life.
Make meditation a part of your daily routine, especially in the morning or whenever your mind screams for a break. Trust me; life gets seriously fun!
So, spill the beans—did you meditate today? And hey, if you found this helpful, make sure to pin it! 😊
Written By: Allie Pratt